In Teilen von Hellersdorf und Marzahn ist am Dienstagabend der Strom ausgefallen. Die Störung soll bis 22 Uhr behoben werden, wie Stromnetz Berlin mitteilte. In Hellersdorf betroffen sind überwiegend die Alte Hellersdorfer Straße, der Havelländer Ring, die Kyritzer Straße, die Luckenwalder Straße, d
Kurznachrichtendienst – Musk: Trumps Verbannung von Twitter war “falsch und dumm”
London (dpa) – Ex-Präsident Donald Trump kann sich Hoffnungen machen, rechtzeitig zum Rennen ums Weiße Haus 2024 zu Twitter zurückkehren zu können. Tech-Milliardär Elon Musk, der gerade dabei ist, Twitter zu übernehmen, würde Trump wieder auf die Plattform lassen. Die Entscheidung, Trump zu verbanne
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EA Sports officially ends FIFA partnership after 30 years of games
Enlarge / Doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, but maybe that’s just because it’s new… EA Sports announced today that the soccer title it publishes in 2023 would be part of the new EA Sports FC brand, doing away with the FIFA name the series has used since the days of the Sega […]
Elon Musk would let Trump back on Twitter, says ban was “morally wrong”
Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Justin Sullivan ) Elon Musk today said Twitter’s decision to ban Donald Trump was “morally wrong,” and that he would reverse the ban if he completes his pending acquisition of Twitter. Financial Times reporter Peter Campbell asked Musk if he would reverse the Trump ban during a keynote session at an […]
Which Had The Better Opening Weekend: SCOOP or GGOC?
Check out the latest mega money prizes awarded during the 2022 PokerStars SCOOP.
The Voice Of Mario, Charles Martinet, Will Be At This Year’s MomoCon
It’s-a-Momo, Mario! In-person events have been slowly returning around the world, and MomoCon is the latest annual convention to come back after a two-year hiatus. And they’ve got an extra-special guest to celebrate. The gaming, comic, and pop culture show will take place in Atlanta at Georgia World Congress Center from 26th to 29th May, […]
Fei Long Will Never Appear In Street Fighter Again, Says SFV Composer
Fei Long, farewell? Street Fighter fans might want to pour one out for a favourite character that’s been a part of the series every since Super Street Fighter II, at least according to Street Fighter 5 composer Daniel Lindholm. As you’ll have seen if you read the headline and saw the image above, it seems […]
Ohio AG émet un avertissement sur les « opioïdes de Frankenstein », plus puissants que le fentanyl
NOUVEAUVous pouvez désormais écouter les articles de Fox News ! LONDRES, Ohio – Un nouveau groupe dangereux d’opioïdes synthétiques appelés « nitazènes » se répand rapidement aux États-Unis Dans l’Ohio, le procureur général de l’État, Dave Yost, a émis un avertissement concernant la prévalence des nitazènes alors que l’État de Buckeye a vu une augmentation de la […]
Un chien blessé par un collier électrique
Après avoir laissé leurs deux chiens en garde pendant les vacances, Nadège et Vincent ont retrouvé l’un d’eux sévèrement blessé. L’usage d’un collier à électrodes en serait la cause. Le couple a porté plainte contre la pension. La Fondation 30 Millions d’Amis s’est constituée partie civile. Colère et incompréhension. Au retour de leurs vacances de […]