Games World

Mini Review: Heaven’s Machine – Short, But Unfortunately Not Sweet

A bullet hellish experience.

Heaven’s Machine is the first of Super Rare Games’ ‘Super Rare Shorts’ series; brand new indie games only released on the Switch in physical form and only available to buy during a short open preorder window. It’s certainly an unusual idea but, unfortunately, this is probably not the start they were hoping for.

Heaven’s Machine is a twin stick controlled action roguelite filled with guns set onboard a heavenly train — so far, so promising. However, it will kill you off very quickly if you try to play it like a twin stick controlled action roguelite filled with guns set onboard a heavenly train. Rush in guns blazing and you’ll soon discover that, due to the spread of bullets onscreen and often tight areas, your short dash is just as likely to get you into trouble as it is out of it. Getting hit seems to offer no grace period whatsoever: if four bullets are overlapping when they hit you, you get hit four times.

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