
Dear Mark: How to Freeze Produce

Dear Mark, Your website inspired me to join a CSA this past year, and I’m looking forward to frequenting my local farmers’ market again this summer. I absolutely love all the produce selections, but this has opened my eyes to how limited I am in the late fall/winter by what’s usually available (and affordable) in the […]


How to Start Composting

Composting is one of those things that everyone agrees is good. There are literally no downsides, only benefits. Composting creates nutrient-dense, well-fertilized soil. Composting means “food waste” is no longer wasteful. Composting is better for the environment. Composting organic materials is more productive than simply throwing them away into a landfill. Composting is passive income. […]


Seasonal Eating: Getting the Most Out of Winter Vegetables

Keeping on our theme this week of minimizing food waste, today we’re going to talk about seasonal eating and getting the most out of the winter vegetables you’ll find at your farmer’s market and grocery store this time of year. The statistics on food waste are sobering, as discussed yesterday. Reducing food waste takes a […]


Vegetable Victory: How to Best Preserve Produce

The week of Feb 21, 2022, Primal Kitchen is featuring ways to cut down on food waste. Find food waste facts, waste reduction tips, exclusive recipes, and resources from the Farmlink Project by signing up here. All week, MDA will be featuring posts that can help you get the most bang for your grocery budget […]


Summer Survival Tips

Last week, I discussed winter survival tips and gear. That’s what most people mean when they talk about survival situations: staying alive in harsh snowy conditions. But there’s also summer survival. What do you do against the heat? If winter survival is all about maintaining body heat, keeping metabolic rate high, increasing both true temperature and […]


Fresh Versus Frozen Food: Which Is More Nutritious?

In the hierarchy of vegetables, the best choices are fresh, in-season, and local. Realistically, though, that’s not always going to happen. For one thing, some of you live in climates where access to a variety of local and in-season vegetables isn’t a thing. Likewise, your neighborhood might have a dearth of supermarkets, so you have […]


Valentine’s Day Pink Primal Pancakes

Love is in the air today at Mark’s Daily Apple, and nothing says “I love you” like cooking a meal for the people who mean the most to you. How about starting the day with a healthy breakfast featuring these heart-shaped Primal pancakes? And because we go the extra mile for the people we love […]


New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week—Edition 164

Research of the Week Three seconds of hyper intense exercise: could it be enough? What dogs and wolves mean for human self-domestication. Nonsense. Soil health begets consumer health. Impaired mitochondrial function in the liver is a hallmark of diabetes and fatty liver. Coffee may increase LDL clearance. New Primal Kitchen Podcasts Primal Kitchen Podcast, Episode […]


Winter Survival Tips

I may have spent the last several decades of my life living in warm or temperate climates—the SF Bay Area, Malibu, and Miami are famous for their mild or non-existent winters—but I grew up in coastal Maine and spent the majority of my time outside, rain, snow or shine. I’ve endured some harsh winters and […]


Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

“I’m doing everything right, exercising and eating well. So why am I not losing weight?”  That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it? Or rather, it’s the $72 billion question, since that’s how much the diet industry apparently rakes in.1 I’ve spent enough years talking about food and exercise to know how common weight-loss plateaus are. […]