
Keto and Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Is there anything more nostalgic than a chocolate chip cookie with a tall glass of milk? If you thought a cookies and milk snack was a thing of the past, we’ve got you covered. This keto chocolate chip cookies recipe is just as satisfying as the cookies you remember from Grandma’s kitchen. And, they’re totally […]


Weekly Link Love — Edition 120

Research of the Week Very low-carb ketogenic diets are safe and effective for type 2 diabetics. Both Neanderthals and humans had similar auditory and speech capabilities. The link between air pollution and crime. 2020 saw the highest number of traffic deaths in 13 years, despite driving being way down. Improving road safety reduces crime. New […]


How to Create a Powerful Morning Routine (And the Surprising Reasons You’ll Want To)

How often do you find yourself mashing the alarm clock, desperately longing for a few more glorious minutes of shut eye? A couple days a week? Every day? Not sure why you’d ever NOT want to mash the alarm? For a lot of us, working from home has allowed for a much more relaxed morning […]


What to Do About Maskne

Pandemic life comes with a lot of things to deal with that we’ve never had to think about before. One of those things is “maskne,” or acne around the mouth and nose caused by wearing masks for prolonged periods of time. Before we get into the causes and solutions, let me point out that this […]


Can You Eat an Intuitive Keto Diet?

When you first start following a keto diet, overthinking is pretty much part of the package. For better or worse, keto newbies spend a lot of time learning what they can and can’t eat, meticulously weighing and measuring food, and tracking everything that goes in their mouths. Weighing, tracking, and restricting become understandably tedious after […]