Growing up, I was always fascinated by the part in the Odyssey where Odysseus and his men land on an island populated by the “Lotus eaters,” a group of humans who live entirely by eating the fruit of the lotus flower. In the story, some of Odysseus’ men explore the island and encounter the lotus […]
Tag: Recent Articles
Mastering Motivation Amidst Challenging Life Circumstances
It seems the hot fitness topic of 2020 is learning how to adapt and stay motivated when your gym is closed, events are canceled, and the awesome motivators of group energy and camaraderie are kept at a distance. Interestingly, some folks have been thrown entirely out of whack, with COVID-19 prompting “the COVID 20” in […]
New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week — Edition 134
Research of the Week OLED is a little better than LED for circadian rhythms, but not by much. Obesity drove the pandemic. Some gut bacteria metabolize cholesterol. Plant “milk” leads to iodine deficiency. Cow milk leads to sufficiency. Men are more likely to make extreme decisions and changes than women. New Primal Blueprint Podcasts Episode […]
Ask a Health Coach: Pre-Diabetes, Detoxes, and What’s More Important, Diet or Exercise?
Hey folks! Erin back to answer more of your questions. If you’re struggling to keep your blood sugar balanced, just coming off a 30-day challenge, or want to know the real solution for long-term weight loss, stick around for this week’s post. We love getting your questions, so keep them coming in the comments below […]
Revisiting Sunscreen
For the last 30 years, the messaging has been clear: Slather your body with sunscreen if you so much as even think about going outside in the sun. Cloudy and rainy? Doesn’t matter. Wear the sunscreen. Want to build up a base tan? You’re killing yourself. Wear the sunscreen. It’s only ten minutes? That ten […]
Primal Practices that Activate the Vagus Nerve and Improve Vagal Tone
In part one of this series on improving vagal tone, I explained that the vagus nerve is the information superhighway of your autonomic nervous system. It connects your brain to organs and glands throughout the body and acts as the main conduit of your parasympathetic (“rest-and-digest”) nervous system. Vagal nerve activity touches just about every […]
Sprinting, Jumping, Losing Body Fat, And Cultivating Gratitude)
Before we get into details about the two best exercises ever known to mankind to shed excess body fat (sprinting and jumping), I want to put in a little plug for the trending healthy living topic of gratitude.1 The concept is easy to pay lip service to, especially when you’re struggling and not in the […]
Grilled Romaine Salad Recipe
Have you ever made a grilled salad? You may think of salad as a cold food, but you’ll want to keep an open mind for this sweet, savory, smoky salad that’s just as refreshing as a cool, crisp salad on a hot day. Hearts of romaine hold up well to the grill and develop a […]
New and Noteworthy: What I Read This Week — Edition 133
Research of the Week In the absence of weight loss, there is no difference in blood glucose whether you’re getting 10% or 30% of dietary energy from carbs. In the study, 10% meant 65 grams of carbs per day or more. Female chimps prioritize protein. Do you? A survey of natural sounds, their benefits, and […]
Want to Accelerate Your Results? Set Up Your Environment for Success
I’m a huge fan of keeping things simple (I even put it in my business name: eat.simple). I especially feel this way when it comes to food, fitness, and fat loss. If you’re sick of white knuckling it through your day, struggling with non-existent motivation, or the phrase “I’ll just start again on Monday” is […]