I would guess that if you surveyed 100 people, they probably wouldn’t say that cowboy boots were the shoe style they wore the most—or at all, for that matter. However, I just can’t get enough of them, and over the last 12 months, I’ve worn my favourite vintage pair through all weathers, quite literally. In winter, I […]
Three more Game of Thrones spin-offs are in the works at HBO alongside House of the Dragon and The Tales of Dunk and Egg. it seems that HBO isn’t ready to let go of Game of Thrones just yet, as the network is pushing three new shows into development, one with a specific creative team […]
L’architecte de la résidence « Le Surcouf » à Angers, dont le balcon s’est effondré en 2016 tuant quatre étudiants, a rejeté mercredi toute implication dans la conception technique du bâtiment, au premier jour du procès où comparaissent cinq prévenus. Le soir du 15 octobre 2016, une soirée festive réunissant une trentaine d’amis se transforme en cauchemar […]