Games World

Exclusive: Weaving Tides’ Lovely Launch Trailer Spins A Yarn

Sew pretty!

Storytelling and weaving have always been, if you’ll pardon the pun, intertwined. From Penelope weaving a funeral shroud to Arachne weaving a tapestry that exposes the crimes of the gods, fabric and narrative are often seen together, something we can see in modern day language, too. The word “text” and “textile” come from the same root; you can “weave” a tangled story, as long as you don’t “lose the thread”.

Weaving Tides is a game that takes the metaphor of weaving-as-storytelling and makes it the focus, casting you, the player, as Tass, a young boy on a quest to find others like him. With the help of your carpet dragon, you can stitch the woven world back together, solving puzzles and exploring ancient dungeons to unravel the mysteries of a long-forgotten past.

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