Games World

Reggie Had To Fight For Wii Sports As A Pack-In, And Miyamoto Wasn’t Happy

“We do not give away our software”.

Nintendo has a history of bundling games with hardware, going back to the NES and Game Boy era. Yet it’s never been a fixed policy, nor one that’s always matched between regions. Take Wii Sports as an example – it became integral bundled in with the Wii offering when it was included in all territories apart from Japan, where it was sold separately. Those copies included in system boxes counted in software sales, so it’s the ‘best-selling’ Wii game at 82.9 million copies, against 101.63 Wii systems sold.

There’s little doubt it was vital to the early appeal of the console, which contributed to it becoming such a success story for Nintendo. Yet getting the title bundled was evidently the result of multiple challenging meetings internally, as Reggie Fils-Aimé outlines in his new book.

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