Games World

Video: Zelda: Ocarina Of Time PC Mod Adds Bombs, Bombs, And More Bombs


Just recently, we reported on some of the crazy things that modders are already doing in the Zelda: Ocarina of Time PC port. We’ve seen the likes of multiplying character models appearing in game, the ability to fight Shadow Link while fending off Ganondorf, and even the ability to spawn the chains that hold up Hyrule Town’s gate at will – madness!

Now, the latest mod to grace our lives adds lots and lots of bombs to the game – like, loads of ’em. In the video above, Josh Busker takes the viewer through the game from the opening in Kokiri Forest up to the end of the fight with King Dodongo. The difference is that there are bombs everywhere, quite literally to the point where explosions will randomly occur within the game’s environments.

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