Games World

Review: Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga – A Triumphant Return To A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Better Call Maul.

More Star Wars? Really? We wouldn’t blame you in the slightest if your reaction to more Star Wars, whether it be of the film, TV series or video game variety, was somewhat apathetic at this stage given the sheer amount of it we’ve had thrown at us in recent years. Indeed, as we sat down to boot up this latest LEGO Star Wars adventure, we couldn’t help but wonder if we were particularly up for diving into this universe from scratch all over again.

However, after just a handful of minutes — yes, minutes — with LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, well… we were completely hooked in and ready to savour every moment of this epic space adventure once more. TT Games has served up a spectacular re-treading of the three trilogies here, combining fast and frantic campaign missions that bounce from set-piece to set-piece as they take in all the big moments from the movies, and a huge open world that’s absolutely stuffed to the gills with secrets, puzzles and exploration to dig into in your downtime. It’s a Star Wars fan’s fever dream and, for our Galactic Credits at least, the very best LEGO game this developer has made to date. Yep, it’s that good.

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