Games World

Feature: 25 Nintendo Switch Games We’d Save From Squid Game-Style Oblivion

We’re about to Thanos Snap this whole console, sorry.

Goodness, look at the time – the Nintendo Switch turns five years old today! It feels like just yesterday that we were watching it toddle around the place, and now it’s already been in our lives for half a decade.

To celebrate the console that keeps this site running, we’re trying something new: A Squid Game-style elimination game (or maybe Desert Island Discs, if you’re older and Britisher), in which all five of us pick one game per year to save. All the rest will be thrown in the bin, never to be played again. The rules are simple: You can’t pick the same game as someone else, and once a game is in the bin, it’s gone forever and it’s all your fault.

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