G.I. No. There was a huge red flag right from the off, when G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout had not been accurately renamed Action Force: Operation Blackout for a British audience. We don’t want to be reminded of the incredibly crap films, we want to be reminded of the brilliant IPC comic Battle, and its Action […]
Bei immungeschwächten Personen dauert eine Sars-CoV-2-Infektion manchmal sehr lang – bei einem Patienten jetzt sogar fast eineinhalb Jahre. Ihr Körper kann dabei wie eine Brutstätte für Mutanten wirken.
Back in the day you could say weddings were more of a traditional affair, with one big dress and a rather formal dinner with your nearest and dearest. Now, the idea of how, when and where nuptials should take place is much more fluid. Modern weddings can last anywhere from a couple of hours at […]