Games World

Bandai Namco To Spend $130 Million On Building An ‘IP Metaverse’

Investors love this stuff.

While the ‘metaverse’ – conventionally a network of virtual worlds often accessed through VR or AR – is a pretty old concept, for investors in big tech firms it’s apparently a new, innovative one which is about to change our lives. As a result tech CEOs around the world can’t say the term fast enough in their presentations and briefings. It’s easy to be cynical, though the end result could — in theory — bring us some fun content in the future. The latest company planning to jump in is Bandai Namco, which has announced major investment in its own project.

In a presentation this week the company presented its ‘IP Axis Strategy’ (thanks,; the plan outlines a $130 million investment to drive engagement and growth for the company’s brands.

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