Games World

Official Pokémon DP Sound Library Shares Entire Diamond And Pearl Soundtrack

Create playlists, download or just listen.

Amid the recent news around Nintendo targeting and taking down soundtracks on YouTube, today brings a slightly cheerier outcome for game music fans. The Pokémon Company has not only uploaded the official soundtrack for the original Pokémon Diamond & Pearl to YouTube, but has created an excellent ‘Pokémon DP Sound Library‘ website with a variety of features.

On the website (which is under heavy load so may be inconsistent at the time of writing) you can download multiple discs of the official soundtrack, though unsurprisingly in doing so you agree to a lengthy set of terms and conditions. In addition to downloads for your personal use, the site lets you stream the soundtracks and has set up some rather nice playlists; we were listening to the ‘Relax’ playlist while typing this. You can even create your own mini playlists if you want.

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