Time Trial Ghosts return in Mario Kart 64. One feature missing from Switch Online’s Nintendo 64 library is Controller Pak support. Back in the day, it functioned as a memory card and could be used to store and transfer save files and other data (like Time Trial Ghosts in Mario Kart 64). Read the full […]
Par Bruno Meyerfeld Publié aujourd’hui à 01h49 Réservé à nos abonnés ReportageDans l’Etat de Sao Paulo, la ville de 45 000 habitants a servi de cité pilote à l’Institut Butantan : la quasi-totalité des adultes y ont été vaccinés avec le Coronavac, du laboratoire chinois Sinovac, en faisant une oasis dans un pays ravagé par l’épidémie. Et, […]
Capcom celebrates with a free item pack. For a third-party release, Monster Hunter Rise has performed tremendously well on the Nintendo Switch. Since its arrival towards the end of March, its worldwide sales have continued to rise. It started out in the opening week shipped four million units globally and just last month reached six […]