Games World

Review: Blackwind – Hack ‘N’ Slash Mech Mayhem That Misses The Mark

Not much wind in these sails.

Once upon a time in an unfortunate culinary incident, this writer managed to accidentally create a bowl of literally flavorless Jell-O. The Jell-O (that’s jelly to you UK folk) was cold, completely clear, chewy, and somehow managed to leave a massive impression, solely because of how its flavor left absolutely no impression at all. It was horrible and it was fascinating.

Blackwind is the video game equivalent of that Jell-O. In many ways, it feels like a game that was AI-generated and rolled off a conveyor belt after the operators typed in “sci-fi hack ‘n’ slash” to see what would happen. Does that mean it’s bad? Probably not. Does that mean it’s good? Absolutely not.

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