Games World

Random: You Can Now Play Pokémon Crystal Inside Someone’s Twitter Avatar

How it was meant to be played, obviously.

Twitch Plays Pokémon has a lot to answer for. What began with a goofy experiment to see if the hivemind could actually play an old game has blossomed into an entire genre of gameplay: Playing Pokémon in weird ways, the latest of which is Pokémon inside of a Twitter avatar. If things keep going this way, we’ll be playing Pokémon on a network of fungi by 2030.

Constantin Liétard, the Montreal-based creator of Pokémon Red-inside-a-Twitter-avatar, has just announced that his latest project, Pokémon Crystal-inside-a-Twitter-avatar, is now ready to play. At the time of writing, the player character is just about to pick their first starter.

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