Games World

Best Of 2021: “You Have To Rewire Your Brain To Accept The Absurdities I’m Going To Lay Out”

The legendary Mat Dickie talks wrestling, Switch and dealing with critics.

Over the holidays we’re republishing some of our best features, interviews, opinion pieces and talking points from the previous 12 months from staff and contributors alike — articles that we feel represent our best of 2021. In them you’ll find our usual mix of thoughtfulness, frivolity, retro expertise, gaming nostalgia, and — of course — enthusiasm for all things Nintendo. Enjoy!

While Wrestling Empire is no critical darling, sole developer Mat Dickie is used to that reception, having been making his own professional wrestling games since 2000. Despite unusual visuals and unpredictable gameplay, these titles have achieved a cult following – it’s not a huge leap from the suspension of disbelief required to enjoy wrestling to the suspension of disbelief required to enjoy Wrestling Empire.

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