The Boulder feels conflicted. Lynels are the fiercest enemy in Breath of the Wild — fiercer even than most of Ganon’s boss forms — and most people would be right to steer well clear of the muscular lads. But if you have the right tools, Lynels are apparently a piece of cake. And those tools […]
»Jede Stimme zählt – Ihre Stimme zählt«: Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier hat an die Bürgerinnen und Bürger appelliert, an der Bundestagswahl teilzunehmen. Demokratie lebe vom Einmischen und Mitmachen.
We might not have spent much time commuting or going out or spending time with friends this year, but the one thing I think we can all say we’ve done a lot of is walking—walking in the park, walking to your favourite coffee shop to get a takeaway, walking anywhere to get out of your house. […]