Virtually unheard of. Nintendo’s Virtual Boy was an inarguably strange system, although mentioning its name can elicit markedly different responses. To many, the little tabletop non-HMD is little more than a punchline; a hilarious blink-and-you’ll-miss-it example of Nintendo toying with an idea that was sabotaged from the off by hopelessly inadequate component technology. For others, […]
London (dpa) – Angesichts der zunehmenden Sorgen um die Gesundheit von Queen Elizabeth II. steht nun ihr Terminkalender im Fokus. Die Höflinge seien instruiert worden, die Agenda bis Weihnachten und auch danach genau zu prüfen, berichtete die Zeitung “Daily Mirror” unter Berufung auf royale Quellen.
Plus fixes and more! The Nintendo Switch version of Tetris Effect: Connected received another update last week – bumping it up to Version 1.2.6. The official support page has now shared the full details – revealing optimisations to the overall visual quality and performance. Apart from this, there are also a number of fixes and […]