Enlarge / A preciousssss deal for all involved.
Unity, the company} best known for its line of popular video game engines , has announced plans to purchase the tech division of the Peter Jackson-led, New Zealand-based visual-effects studio Weta Digital for $1. 625 billion in cash and stock.
The acquisition means that Weta’s suite of visual-effects tools, popularized in movies like Lord of the Rings , Avatar , and Wonder Woman , will eventually be integrated into Unity’s cloud-based workflow and made available to millions of users, the company said in a press release announcing the particular move . Unity will also acquire the 275 engineers that build Weta’s technology and “a library of thousands of incredible assets. ”
The Weta visual-effects team itself will remain as a standalone entity known as WetaFX, which will still be majority-owned by Jackson. Unity expects that entity to “become Unity’s largest customer in the Media and Entertainment space. ” Weta Workshop , which focuses on practical effects and props, will also remain separate.