Kathy Griffin is fighting the battle of her life — against newly-diagnosed lung cancer. The 60-year-old actor and comedian took to Instagram on Monday morning to reveal her diagnosis, explaining to the world in a heartfelt message that she’s battling stage one lung cancer “even though I’ve never smoked.” Related: Kathy Griffin Did NOT Have Covid […]
What’s worse than almost stepping on a snake? Almost sleeping near 18 of them! A Georgia woman lived out that nightmare this week when she discovered several small reptiles slithering in her bedroom. Trish Wilcher said she was about to go to bed on Sunday in her Augusta home when she noticed something odd, telling […]
Former Bachelor cast member Taylor Nolan issued a lengthy apology on Sunday after Reddit and Twitter users revealed her decade-old racist, bigoted, and homophobic tweets. The tweets, which were all dated 2011 and 2012, resurfaced over the weekend in the hours after the 27-year-old mental health counselor called on Bachelor Nation host Chris Harrison to be fired in the wake […]