Games World

FAR: Changing Tides Sets Sail On Switch Later This Year

A follow up to the brilliant Lone Sails.

When FAR: Lone Sails arrived on Nintendo Switch we were hugely impressed, with its beautiful score and visuals combining to make it a memorable journey. It’s particularly pleasing to see that developer Okomotive is going back to the IP, this time with publisher Frontier Foundry in tow.

FAR: Changing Tides is due on Switch and various platforms later this year, and you can see the reveal trailer above. You play as a new character called Toe, and this time around the journey is across the waves. The same art style is being adopted for the sea-faring story, with composer Joel Schoch back on board. Okomotive Lead Designer and Co-Founder, Don Schmocker, is quoted as follows in the press release.

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