Games World

Talking Point: How Good Are You At Games?

Skills to pay the bills, bro?

Back in the olden days, when my world was decidedly smaller, I used to think I was pretty handy when it came to video games. When schoolmates came over to play GoldenEye or Mario Kart 64, I’d wipe the floor with the lot of them and I naively believed it was down to my unrivalled reaction speed and prowess with the pad. In my circle of friends, I was the Steve McQueen of the Mushroom Kingdom; a regular digital 007 who’d always triumph in the end.

Obviously, I was also an idiot. It didn’t take long to realise that I wasn’t some video gaming savant, I was just way more familiar with those particular games than my friends. As with any activity, the more you do it, the better you get, and compared to — oh, I don’t know — my pal who only had a PlayStation or my little sister, I obviously had a significant edge. I’d clocked up hundreds of hours playing these games, versus people who still had to look down to know which button was which.

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