Games World

Feature: Save Me, Mr. Tako! Dev On Japan, ‘Franglais’, And Parting Ways With Nicalis

“Since it was delisted and not transferred, I can’t legally use the original version”.

In late 2018, controversial indie publisher Nicalis released wunderkind indie developer Christophe Galati’s tribute to the Game Boy Tasukete, Tako-San! / Save Me, Mr. Tako! on Switch to mixed reviews. While some players savored the game’s pea soup-tinted nostalgia, others were frustrated by design choices faithful to an era constrained by primitive technology and still rooted in the arcades.

In the years since the game’s original release, Chris has grown in experience as a developer. But his eagerness to address the concerns of his players evidently caused tension between himself and his former publisher—tension that eventually snapped, resulting in the game being delisted from the eShop last year. Like he promised, however, the game is set to return to the eShop on May 5 in the form of a new Definitive Edition thanks to Limited Run Games, who have also indicated a physical release.

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