I Lived in Europe for 6 Months—I’ll Never Make These Fashion Mistakes Again
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It would be easy to travel to a new place and observe the style habits of its citizens (in non-pandemic times, that is), but it takes being fully immersed in a new place for several months to see your own style change and be influenced by your surroundings. This is exactly what happened after I spent half a year living in Europe. As a college student, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to study abroad, and I’m about to share with you a few key European style lessons that my semester living in Italy taught me.
After travelling the length of Italy—from Milan to Sicily, peppered with a few jaunts to France, Germany and Switzerland—I observed exactly what makes European style so good. I took note of the way my Italian friends always carried their belongings around in a classic leather handbag and invested in similar staple pieces. After living abroad, I took the following six style lessons to heart and promised to never make my old fashion mistakes again.
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