Games World

Soapbox: There’s One Thing I Want To See In Tomorrow’s Direct, And It’s Pullblox

Smash Bros. who? Give me Mallo.

To be a Nintendo fan is to be intimately familiar with disappointment. Each one of us has a particular game or series that we cling to like Rose on the Titanic door, desperately hoping that Papa Ninty will eventually notice us and give us the sequel (or at least a remake) we crave. It’s their fault for making such good games in such quantity, really – and for abandoning them in favour of adding another Fire Emblem character to Smash Bros. No, I’m not bitter.

I have a lot of these. Ghost Trick. Fantasy Life. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. I could go on for years complaining about all the games that I loved and lost. I envy those of you who clamour for new Metroid, new Bayonetta, and remakes of old Zelda games, because at least those are likely. I have to survive on delicious scraps like finding out that The Great Ace Attorney might finally get localised after almost six years of waiting, and hope that the rumours are true.

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