Games World

Memory Pak: When Link Left The Temple Of Time In Zelda: Ocarina Of Time And Everything Changed

Lesson learned: touching swords makes you get old.

Welcome to the first instalment of a new column, where we’re going to be doing a deep-dive into some of the most memorable moments in gaming – good and bad. We’re starting off strong with a moment that cemented the Zelda series as one of the all-time greats, in celebration of Link’s 35th birthday or something. Happy birthday, Link. You are now old enough to get a mortgage and stop mooching off the Kokiri.

There’s something magical about cathedrals. Perhaps it’s the way their vaulted architecture elicits a silence so deep you can almost hear God. Perhaps it’s the knowledge that generations of old bones rest beneath your feet, waiting for you to join them. It’s no surprise that games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne revere and fear them in almost equal measure: they’re places of awesome beauty, in the original meaning of the word. Honestly, it’s not hard to make an eldritch horror out of the Christian mythos, packed as it is with blood, relics, death and rebirth.

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