Games World

Players Are At Least Halfway To Killing 3.5 Million Bowsers In Super Mario Bros. 35 Challenge

Every player will receive 350 Platinum Points if they beat the challenge.

A couple of weeks back, Nintendo announced the Super Mario Bros. 35 World Count Challenge, celebrating the reveal of Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury by asking players to… kill Bowser. Like, a lot.

If players across the world have collectively beaten 3.5 million Bowsers by the 25th January, 11pm PT, then every participating player who has beaten at least one Bowser will receive 350 Platinum Points as a reward. The game will cease to exist on March 31st, of course, so what better way to celebrate its last days than by mercilessly dumping Bowser into a vat of lava over and over again? It’s what he would have wanted.

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