
Despite Facebook’s attempts, pro-Trump events, groups still flourish

A woman shrugs onstage.

Enlarge / Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg speaks during a Facebook Community Boost event at the Knight Center on December 18, 2018, in Miami, Florida. (credit: Joe Raedle | Getty Images)

Facebook executive leaders promise they are doing everything they can to prevent the platform from being a tool for an anticipated new wave of violence in the nation’s capital in the upcoming days. At the same time, however, content threatening violence is still up on Facebook, and those same executives are downplaying how big a role the platform had in last week’s events at the US Capitol.

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg gave a livestreamed interview with Reuters Monday in which she said President Donald Trump is not likely to get his Facebook account reinstated following the company’s “indefinite” ban.

“Even the president is not above the polices we have,” Sandberg said. “We have no plans to let him [back] in.”

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