
Don’t talk about the Capitol siege without mentioning white privilege

It’s time to take a good look at who stormed the Capitol, if you’re happy with anything in politics, perhaps it’s time to thank a HBCU, and COVID-19 has claimed an icon of inclusive design.

But first, here’s your W.E.B Du Bois “The Souls of White Folks” week in review, in Haiku.

My word is to them
mere bitterness and my soul
pessimism. And

Yet as they preach and
strut, shout and threaten, crouching
as they clutch at rags

of facts and fancies
to hide their nakedness, they
go twisting, flying 

by my tired eyes
and I see them, and I see
them, and I see them

and I see them, and
I see them again, ever
stripped-ugly, human.

I encourage you to unapologetically take good care of yourself this weekend.

Ellen McGirt
[email protected]