Games World

Supergiant Shares Hades Voiceover Stats, Charon Hardly Gets A Word In

How many ways can you say “mmmrrhhh”?

It will come as no surprise to any of you that have played it that there’s a literal hell of a lot of writing in Hades. 305,433 words, to be precise, according to Supergiant’s infographic. “The numbers may not be 100% accurate, depending on how you count,” they warn on Twitter, “but should be close.”

(For reference, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire has 190,637 words, and the entire King James Bible is 788,280 words. Hades is just about half as long as the Bible, but only one of them ends with , and only one of them has guns. We know which one we’ll be spending our weekend with.)

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