Games World

Review: Fatal Fury: First Contact – Lightweight Brawling Action That’s Fun In Short Bursts

A second chance at a first impression.

The Neo Geo Pocket Color Selection release list keeps hopping up and down the hardware’s original timeline like a TARDIS with a major fault in its timey-wimey gubbins, resulting in Fatal Fury: First Contact, one of the handheld’s earlier fighting games, turning up on the Switch roughly two months after one of the very last.

Now, this normally wouldn’t be too much of a problem with a retro re-release (what does it matter when you’re dealing with games that can both be described as “about two decades old”?) but it does show here, the additional modes and amusing extras found in the already-ported SNK Gals’ Fighters, Samurai Shodown! 2, King of Fighters R-2 and The Last Blade conspicuous by their absence, First Contact is left with nothing to offer paying customers other than vanilla one or two-player battling.

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