Games World

Watch Out, GoldenEye 007 – Hitman Studio IOI Is Working On A James Bond Game

We’re shaken, and a little stirred.

For many years now, it’s been an accepted fact that, despite numerous attempts to better it (including a remake), the N64 title GoldenEye 007 is the best Bond game ever. So good, in fact, it’s even had a spoof movie made about it, and has also inspired a full-blown documentary into its creation.

Many have tried and failed to topple Rare’s FPS masterpiece (we still shudder at the memory of James Bond: 007 Legends), but most would agree that Hitman studio IO Interactive has the best chance of succeeding. The company has just revealed that it is working on an “original Bond” project which serves as an origin story and will allow players to step into the shoes of a young Bond as he attempts to secure his coveted ’00’ status.

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