Games World

Review: Tropico 6 – This Enjoyable Empire-Building Epic Comes With A Few Technical Niggles

The great dictator.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that a city builder/sim game such as Tropico 6 might be a poor fit for the Switch. A huge number of systems at play, an archipelago’s worth of individually tracked citizens… it’s something of a recipe for compromise. And, sure enough, there are compromises here – but far fewer than you may expect, and not to the game’s real detriment.

What we have here are the tools to craft a banana republic of your very own. The main attraction being the extensive sandbox mode, which offers you everything you could need to start exploiting your innocent citizens. It’s immediately quite daunting an experience, with menus nested within menus. Thankfully, it’s easy to navigate these sensible and cleverly-crafted lists, thanks to a UI that avoids the Switch’s usual problem of being weensy, with readable text and generally useful, clearly-written text. In fact, it’s impressive that even on handheld, it’s pretty much effortless to get a game going. So much of it is intuitive that you could probably get your head around it even without the tutorial, but we’re glad it’s there nonetheless.

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