
Anticipate zaniness from the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special

Throughout the summer we have news of a fresh Star Wars Holiday Special which was likely to broadcast later this season. Or, even a Lego Star Wars Holiday Special, to become accurate. And on Thursday afternoon, Disney+ published a trailer, even giving us our very first real glimpse in the projected Life Day extravaganza.

The first Star Wars Holiday Special aired on American TV in 1978, and has been a perplexing mixture of live action and cartoon which watched Han and Chewie see Kashyyyk (the Wookie homeworld, of course ) to celebrate Life Day. By the majority of reports it had been not an especially positive encounter for its cast and crew, and of course the crowd, who had been greeted with the sight of Bea Arthur tending bar in the Mos Eisley Cantina, where she awakens a person a drink by means of a hole in their sock .

Even the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special seems a bit more satisfying, but not wacky. It appears that Rey and BB-8 locate a Sith holocron, or even another sort of magic crystalclear, and start a journey through the years, meeting characters from across the deadline. However, since that is Lego Star Wars, it is done securely tongue in cheek–when that is possible with the injection-molded plastic mind in which the attributes are painted. So you will find jokes regarding Kylo Ren constantly being topless, roughly Han shooting Greedo first, and also among those posters Disney+ left features a brand new hands, wrapped in a bow, and using a notice by Darth Vader to Luke Skywalker.

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