
A fond farewell to the Bizarre and Lovely Nintendo DS

A fond farewell to the weird and wonderful Nintendo DS

Expand (charge: Aurich Lawson)

Back in December 2004, my boyfriend showed up in my flat door carrying out a box. “I gave you a gift!” He explained, obviously excited.

‘Tis your very year , I believed it. I flipped the box. “A.. . Is this, for example… that a Game Boy type of matter?”

As I battled my way through layers of plastic and cardboard to start my brand new toy, then he pulled a fitting unit from his messenger purse, opened it up, and started to describe. I had never owned a mobile console–I had scarcely ever even possessed a normal computer keyboard, I had been a lifelong PC gamerand if I attempted to encircle the present with great cheer, I wholeheartedly didn’t have a clue why on Earth he’d given me.

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