Even the U.S. Supreme Court appeared improbable to issue a direct conclusion blocking President Trump’s drive to exclude undocumented immigrants in the courthouse, as crucial justices indicated they needed to wait to learn what the effect is. Within an 80-minute telephone debate session Monday, the justices indicated they will proceed carefully in a scenario which […]
Tag: U.S. elections
Even the U.S.’s Electoral College is the epic Layout Neglect
Two weeks previously, I maintained within this area which, at the 2000 presidential elections, poor layout cost Al Gore the White House. A couple of you wrote to complain that the attention of the post–that the misdesign of how ballots–has been overly narrow, and dismissed a far more basic design flaw in how Americans select […]
Ballot Layout Ought to Be Dull
The previous time that a vice president in the Democratic Party searched the U.S. presidency, poor design likely cost him the election. It had been 20 years back that Al Gore lost to Republican rival George W. Bush since he failed to take Florida, a vital swing state, at the Electoral College. Gore’s margin of […]