
How to beat Elden Ring in under 9 minutes

Elden Ring doesn’t look that hard in this sub-nine-minute speedrun… In the nearly two months since Elden Ring was released, the average player has reportedly needed dozens of hours to finish the “main story” portion of the game. Given that, the fact that the speedrunning community can now demonstrate a complete start-to-finish Elden Ring run […]


Months later, Dream admits suspect Minecraft speedruns used illegal mods

Enlarge / The bartering Piglin that were at the heart of Dream’s Minecraft cheating drama. For months now, popular Minecraft streamer Dream has insisted there was nothing fishy about six “Any% Random Seed” speedruns he streamed last October, despite evidence to the contrary presented by the moderators of clearinghouse Over the weekend, though, Dream […]


New Super Mario Bros. record breaks speedrunning’s “four-minute mile”

You’ll likely never see a human beat Super Mario Bros. faster than this. Earlier this week, speedrunner Niftski became the first player to ever beat Super Mario Bros. in under four minutes and 55 seconds (4:54.948, to be precise). That might not sound too impressive on the surface; it’s only about a quarter-second under the […]