
Rigetti announces 80 qubit processor, experiments with “qutrits”

Enlarge / The Aspen-M 40-qubit chip and its housing. (credit: Rigetti) On Wednesday, quantum computing startup Rigetti announced a number of interesting hardware developments. To begin with, its users would now have access to its next-generation chip, called Apsen-M, with 40 qubits and improved performance. While that’s well below the qubit count achieved by IBM, […]


Quantum-computing startup Rigetti to offer modular processors

Enlarge / It may look nearly featureless, but it’s meant to contain 80 qubits. (credit: Rigetti Computing) Today, a quantum-computing startup has announced that it will take a significant departure in its designs for future quantum processors. Rather than building a monolithic processor as everyone else has, Rigetti Computing will build smaller collections of qubits […]