
This decorated mammoth ivory pendant is 41, 500 years old

Enlarge (credit: Talamo et al. 2021) While our species was spreading across Eurasia and briefly sharing a continent with the last of the Neanderthals, someone took the time to carefully shape an oval pendant out of mammoth ivory, then decorated it with a looping dotted line. The pendant, unearthed at Stajnia Cave in Poland, was […]


Vikings were in North America by 1021 CE

Enlarge / Aerial image of L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland, Canada. (credit: Glenn Nagel Photography) Centuries before Christopher Columbus stumbled across the Bahamas, the Vikings established a beachhead at L’Anse Aux Meadows, a site on the northern peninsula of what is now Newfoundland, Canada. A recent study narrows down the date of the Norse arrival in […]


23, 000-year-old footprints suggest people reached the Americas early

Footprints left behind in layers of clay and silt at New Mexico’s White Sands National Park may be between 23, 000 and 21, 000 years old. That’s based on radiocarbon dating associated with the remains of grass seeds buried in the layers regarding sediment above and below the tracks. If the dates are correct, the […]