
Microsoft announces progress on a completely new type of qubit

Enlarge / Microsoft says it sees two clear peaks at the ends of a wire, with a nice energy separation between those and any other energy states. (credit: Microsoft) So far, two primary quantum computing technologies have been commercialized. One type of hardware, called a transmon, involves superconducting wire loops linked to a resonator; it is […]


With new hardware, company wants to rethink quantum computing benchmarks

Enlarge / A cartoon diagram of the trapped ion system. (credit: IonQ) Back in 2020, we talked to the CEO of a quantum computing startup called IonQ that uses trapped ions for its qubits. At the time, the company had just introduced a quantum processor that could host 32 qubits that had impressive fidelity, meaning […]


Atomic cloud key to controlling a quantum state without measuring it

Enlarge / The atoms (center foreground) alter the laser so it extracts energy from a membrane (blue). (credit: Departement Physik, Universität Basel ) Way back when I was still working in the lab, there was a new lot of buzz about something called “coherent control. ” The basic idea was to take the principles of […]


Physicists discover that clouds of ultracold atoms can form “quantum tornadoes”

Enlarge / (l-r) A quantum gas appears first as an elongated rod. As it rotates, it becomes helical, then it breaks up into blobs, each a swirling mass. Between the blobs tiny vortices appear in a regularly repeating series. (credit: MIT/Nature) Physicists at MIT have succeeded in getting “quantum tornadoes” to form in clouds of […]


Silicon-based qubits take a big leap forward

Enlarge / A representation of the two phosphorus nuclei (Q1 and Q2) with the electron (Q3) that helps mediate their interactions. (credit: Tony Melov / UNSW) Over the last few years, the big question in quantum computing has shifted from “can we get this to work?” to “can we get this to scale?” It’s no […]


Entangled microwave photons may give 500x boost to radar

Enlarge (credit: NASA ) Quantum radar has been on the… ahem… radar for a while now. Unfortunately, the theoretical and practical results from our explorations of the concept have been underwhelming. But before we get to the disappointments, let me give all you radar enthusiasts a reason for hope. A new paper demonstrates that, under […]


Rigetti announces 80 qubit processor, experiments with “qutrits”

Enlarge / The Aspen-M 40-qubit chip and its housing. (credit: Rigetti) On Wednesday, quantum computing startup Rigetti announced a number of interesting hardware developments. To begin with, its users would now have access to its next-generation chip, called Apsen-M, with 40 qubits and improved performance. While that’s well below the qubit count achieved by IBM, […]


A potential hangup for quantum computing: Cosmic rays

Enlarge / Google’s Sycamore processor. (credit: Google) Recently, when researchers were testing error correction on Google’s quantum processor, they noted an odd phenomenon where the whole error-correction scheme would sporadically fail badly. They chalked this up to background radiation, a combination of cosmic rays and the occasional decay of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope. It […]

Games Tech

Defending quantum chess champion takes the title again in 2021 tournament

Enlarge / Returning champion Aleksander Kubica successful defended his title and won the second annual quantum chess tournament during last week’s Q2B conference on quantum computing. (credit: lucadp/Getty Images) Returning champion Aleksander Kubica successful defended his title and won the second annual quantum chess tournament during last week’s Q2B conference on quantum computing. The tournament […]


IBM clears the 100-qubit mark with its new processor

Enlarge (credit: IBM) IBM has announced it has cleared a major hurdle in its effort to make quantum computing useful: it now has a quantum processor, called Eagle, with 127 functional qubits. This makes it the first company to clear the 100-qubit mark, a milestone that’s interesting because the interactions of that many qubits can’t […]