There are plenty of diets out there—with plenty of rules to follow. Rules can make dieting even more difficult. The simplest solution is not to diet at all. Instead of dieting, look at it as simple healthy lifestyle choices that you can use for life. Here are five simple ways to change your diet that […]
Tag: Personal Health, Fitness, and Wellness
Animal Cuts is a versatile, fat-torching matrix delivering a complete, comprehensive, and effective metabolic powerhouse. Weight management and shedding excess body fat can seem like insurmountable obstacles, even when your training, cardio and nutrition are on point. That’s a tough problem for many, but there is a solution that gives you flexibility: Animal Cuts, which […]
Flat Abs and Shapely, Sexy Legs
Flat abs and sexy legs are desirable traits, of course, but actually achieving those results is easier said than done. But there’s a secret to success that’s used by people who are trying to achieve a goal— visualization. For example, athletes often visualize themselves scoring a goal, and business leaders picture themselves nailing a pitch […]
12 Tips to Get Ripped Abs
By Bob LeFavi, Ph.D. CSCS, USAW The way your abs look is 80 percent a function of your diet and 20 percent a function of your training! I can vividly remember the frustration I felt when being questioned by people about my abs. First, understand this: I never caused judges to faint at the sheer […]
More Butt-Shaping Cardio!
BSN presents KNOw Ifs, Ands Or Butts with Amanda Latona – Episode 2 Amanda Latona shares one of her secrets for developing awe-inspiring assets: BUTT-SHAPING CARDIO. In this episode, Amanda demonstrates how to use the ARC TRAINER to target the glutes. Try her method in an interval program where you alternate 1 minute of Amanda’s high-intensity […]
Top 5 Leg Exercises: Lower Body Blast
Renee Jewett took the Wellness division by storm from the moment she stepped foot on stage at the 2021 Tampa Pro, winning the Wellness division. Known for her lower body development – a key area that is judged in Wellness – Renee talks to us a little bit about the go-to leg exercises that will […]
WAR ZONE is Redcon1’s most powerful muscle builder, designed for men and women who are looking to push themselves harder in the gym to build lean muscle. You train and compete at the highest level, and elite lifters realize that once you set foot in the gym you are entering a war zone. You are […]
Are Birth Control Pills Ruining Your Sex Life?
By Michelle Davin, Ph.D. The pill reduces blood levels of testosterone and free testosterone and increases SHBG – all of which suppress sexual desire. Oral contraceptives are the birth control method of choice for many women because of its effectiveness and convenience. Physicians have prescribed the “pill” for decades, yet, we still don’t fully understand […]
Animal Cuts Powder is a versatile, fat-torching matrix delivering a complete, comprehensive, and effective metabolic powerhouse. Weight management is of prime concern for those who live the active mindset lifestyle – men, women, anyone who is trying to get shredded. Diet, meal preparation and exercise all have to come together in the ideal balance, whether […]
The Ultimate Fat-Loss Diet
By Daniel Gwartney, MD and Steve Blechman Negative physical truths are difficult to deal with, as they are irrefutable and there’s no avoiding the emotional impact. If the checking account is overdrawn or the house is a mess, the facts are undeniable and cause mental anguish until the situation is corrected. This is especially true […]