This is an installment of Startup Year One, a special series of interviews with founders about the major lessons they have learned in the immediate aftermath of their businesses’ first year of operation. Striving both to promote sustainability but also a more honest and open conversation around menstrual care, Nixit is a one-size-fits-all menstrual disc […]
Tag: Personal Health, Fitness, and Wellness
Fitbit wants to partner with users every step of the way
Thanks to the double whammy of holiday feasting and pandemic-related pounds, New Year’s resolutions to get into shape were extra-big going into 2021. So that means it’s time for strapping on the shiny new Fitbits, Garmins, and Apple Watches that loved ones exchanged in December. But in recent years, wearable manufacturers have been pushing devices […]
The online grocery startup betting big on the pandemic shift in grocery shopping
This is an installment of Startup Year One, a special series of interviews with founders about the major lessons they have learned in the immediate aftermath of their businesses’ first year of operation. Grocery shopping changed radically, and possibly forever, in 2020. While consumers still headed to line up at their local markets nationwide, many […]
What another lockdown means for January gym sales
It’s a truth universally acknowledged that as the festivities of the holiday season wind down and New Year’s resolutions set in, gyms and fitness centers are most crowded during the first quarter—if not the first month or even the first week—of the year. But with another round of shutdowns occurring in many states as positive […]
Why micro-gyms could be the next big thing in fitness
Wilfred Valenta opened his first “micro-gym” almost two years ago, repurposing a 580-square-foot office space in downtown Montreal and renting it out by the hour to fitness trainers and small workout groups. He couldn’t have known back then how fortuitous his timing was. Now, with the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many big gyms to stay closed, his […]
The 12 best beauty and wellness products under $70 I added to my routine this year
I’ve been lucky this year. I’ve made it through 10 months of a pandemic with my job and my health intact. But, like those of many others, my routines for most of this year have changed. I’m working from home. I’m working out from home. I’m wearing far less makeup and focusing more on skin […]
After 2020, we all need a gap year
As millions of students and their parents continue to contemplate and question the value of a COVID-era collegiate experience, there has been a lot of talk about the beloved “gap year.” Not surprisingly, thousands of U.S. college students opted to take one in the current academic year. But soul-searching young people aren’t the only ones […]
How Peloton’s $420 million Precor deal positions the company for post-pandemic life
Peloton Interactive has been one of the pandemic’s big winners. Affluent consumers, stuck at home but still eager to work out, have shelled out big for its equipment and instructional apps, making the company one of Wall Street’s breakaway darlings in 2020. But the stationary-bike maker clearly has its eyes set on the next phase […]
This new sneaker New Is Intended for Medical Care Employees
That is an installation of Startup Year One, also a particular collection of interviews with creators concerning the significant lessons they’ve learned at the immediate wake of the companies’ initial year of performance. Clove, a brand new sneaker new developed with doctors and nurses in your mind, entered the marketplace through a remarkably intriguing time: {} […]
The Skincare Manufacturer Trying to Create medical-grade topicals both luxe and Reachable
That is an installation of Startup Year One, also a particular collection of interviews with creators concerning the significant lessons they’ve learned from the immediate wake of the companies’ initial year of performance. Several new skincare and beauty manufacturers tout leaning on components that are organic, vegetarian, and designed for all skin types. However, not […]