Health LifeStyle World

9 Reasons To Love Almond Milk

Since the Middle Ages, almond milk has been used as an alternative to cow’s milk. The watery, white texture mocks that of its lactose-containing counterpart. Many people who are intolerant to milk find that almond milk is a great alternative. Though it may not contain as much protein as milk does, it provides several health […]

Health LifeStyle World

8-Week Summer Slim Down

We know you fitness fanatics have been training hard all year. But, let’s face it, there’s always a little “work” to do heading into summer. Tighten this, shape that…the finishing touches before the tropical getaway, lakeside retreat or seasonal special event. To help you get in top form, we enlisted three-time FitnessRx cover model, IFBB […]

Health LifeStyle World

Best Butt Workout

Regardless of your present condition, a firm, shapely backside can be yours – provided you’re willing to put in the effort. Without question, attaining a toned tush is a difficult endeavor. The gluteal region is a storehouse for body fat, containing an abundance of adipose cells. From a functional standpoint, lower body fat serves a […]

Health LifeStyle World

Lower Back Pain: Any Relief?

Why is a back injury so potentially devastating? It can be summed up in a single word: PAIN! This pain usually begins as a sharp, intense twinge in your lower back and if you’re lucky, it will be only momentary, then immediately disappear without any residual effects. If you’re unlucky, the pain will be sharp, […]

Health LifeStyle World

Lower Body Blast: Workout to Burn Fat, Tone Hips and Thighs

By Mia and Ritch Finnegan Are you one of the many women who are not satisfied with the way your hips and thighs look? If you answered yes, you’re not alone! You’ve tried yo-yo dieting, starving, cellophane wraps and thigh creams, but to no avail. Why? Because independently they don’t work! To burn fat from […]

Health LifeStyle World

Janet Layug, Ms. Bikini Olympia 2020

In this week’s episode, the ladies – Emma Hyndman, The Posing Pro and Lauren Lotter, Bikini amateur – talk to IFBB Bikini Pro Janet Layug. Janet is the reigning Ms. Bikini Olympia 2020, and in Season 2, Episode 2 we talk to Janet about her journey and what it means to never give up on […]

Health LifeStyle World

‘Look Great Sleeveless’ Upper Body Workout

The warm weather’s here and so are those sultry sleeveless fashions. Strapless dresses, sports bras … the offerings are seemingly endless. But in order to look your best in these outfits, your upper body has to be up to the task. This is where the “Look Great Sleeveless” body sculpting routine comes in. By following […]

Health LifeStyle World

Total Body Fat-Loss Circuit

By Mia and Ritch Finnegan Do you make excuses for not working out consistently? Or, do you spend countless butt-numbing hours on the stationary bike only to achieve no results? Either way, there’s no excuse for not trying a workout that will help you tone your muscles, give you more energy and enable you lose […]

Health LifeStyle World

30-Day Total Body Workout! Tone Muscle and Burn Fat

We have all done it. We mark our calendars for that special occasion with every intention to exercise, only to find that days turn into weeks and suddenly there is barely a month till the big day. A situation like this calls for one of my 30-day “boot camp” approaches to training. With this particular […]

Health LifeStyle World

Best Fish for Fat Loss and Optimal Health

By Daniel Gwartney, MD If you have ever gotten stuck on an icy road, you know the frustration of hearing your tires spin while you get nowhere. Sometimes dieting feels like that – usually during your waking hours. Nearly everyone who wishes to lose weight has the desire and willpower to follow a diet and […]