
Facebook’s “Metaverse” gets a bit closer today with Horizon Workrooms

Workrooms participants can see who’s talking by way of visual cues—but those with two functioning ears can also identify speakers directionally, thanks to spatial audio processing. [credit: Facebook ] On Thursday, Facebook launched Horizon Workrooms—its first major step toward CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s imagined metaverse, an all-encompassing alternate reality that blends the real world with digital […]


Zoombombing countermeasures are ineffective in the vast majority of cases

Enlarge As the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools, colleges, and businesses to limit in-person meetings, the world quickly adopted video conferencing from services such as Zoom and Google Meet. That, in turn, gave way to “zoombombing,” the term for when Internet trolls join online meetings with the goal of disrupting them and harassing their participants. Meeting […]