
Cosmic indigestion: Swallowing a neutron star can cause a star to explode

Enlarge / A model of the supernova exploding inside a torus of gas ejected years earlier. (credit: Bill Saxton, NRAO/AUI/NSF) One of the stranger features of our Universe is the existence of what you might call dual-core stars. Many stars exist as part of a multistar system, and in some cases, their orbits are extremely […]


It Is coming from in the World: First fast-radio-burst Origin ID’d

{Expand / The CHIME telescope also has shown adept at picking {} Radio Bursts. |} (charge: Andre Renard / / CHIME Collaboration) Now, scientists are saying they have solved a few of those questions that has been nagging them within recent years: what just generates the strange phenomena called rapid radio bursts (FRBs)? As their […]