COVID 19 Tech

The persistence of memory in B cells: Hints of stability in COVID immunity

Enlarge / The immune response involves a lot of moving parts. (credit: BSIP/Getty Images) There’s still a lot of uncertainty about how exactly the immune system responds to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. But what’s become clear is that re-infections are still very rare, despite an ever-growing population of people who were exposed in the early days […]

COVID 19 Tech

The immune system and COVID: It’s still confusing

Enlarge / SOUTH TANGERANG, INDONESIA – JANUARY 7, 2021: A patient recovered from COVID-19 donate plasma at Indonesia Red Cross Transfusion Center in South Tangerang. (credit: Barcroft Media / Getty Images) It’s clear that the immune system can mount a robust response to SARS-CoV-2, as the vaccine trials have made clear. Beyond that, though, there […]

COVID 19 Tech

UK approves another COVID vaccine as its new virus variant shows up in US

Enlarge / UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson poses for a photograph with a vial of the AstraZeneca/Oxford University COVID-19 candidate vaccine. (credit: WPA Pool/Getty Images) This week, the UK released more data on the newly evolved strain of SARS-CoV-2, providing further evidence that it spreads more readily than previously circulating strains of the virus. Despite […]

COVID 19 Tech

Antibodies and SARS-CoV-2 infections: Tthe more the better

Enlarge / Oxford University is associated with the hospital that ran this study, as well as a vaccine that is currently undergoing clinical trials. (credit: Gallo Images) The two authorizations issued by the FDA for COVID-19 vaccines come because of clear data that they limit infections by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and ensure that any ensuing […]

COVID 19 Tech

SARS-CoV-2’s spread to wild mink not a reason to Fear

Expand (charge: Eric Sonstroem / Flickr) Did anybody have”mink farms” in their 2020 disaster bingo cards? It ends up the SARS-CoV-2 virus easily spreads into mink, resulting in outbreaks on mink farms at Europe along with that the United States. Denmark reacted by culling its whole mink people, which obviously went wrong because mink bodies […]

COVID 19 Tech

What we know about the Newest SARS strain that Is shutting the UK

Expand (charge: A version of this pandemic coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, is currently dominating headlines and inspirational precautionary travel bans global. But scientists are still attempting to have a grasp on just what the version can really do otherwise and what it may mean for its almost year old pandemic. Researchers at the United Kingdom–in which […]

COVID 19 Tech

Stanford hospital Participates in protest Following vaccine Program leaves Residents out

Expand / / Protests by clinical personnel happened both indoors and from the hospital. Among the harder areas of the first form of vaccinations would be deciding who receives the initial doses of a restricted supply. The requirement to have a practical health care system in the surface of an out-of-control outbreak has meant that […]

COVID 19 Tech

Moderna vaccine Receives the thumbs-up for emergency Usage

Expand / This unassuming construction in Massachusetts has obtained on remarkable importance in recent weeks. (charge: JOSEPH PREZIOSO / / Getty Images) Before this past week, the FDA published records that outlined the information on another SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate, that individual by a firm named Moderna. That issue is among the critical factors for the […]

COVID 19 Tech

Looking to the genetics of Acute COVID-19

Expand / / scientists have looked at if there are genetic effects on who encounters a event of acute COVID-19. (charge: ALBERTO PIZZOLI / / Getty Images) The human body’s reaction to SARS-CoV-2 disease are imperceptible to departure, increasing a clear question: Why is the difference? If we can determine the aspects which make COVID-19 […]


Could metformin stop mortality in COVID-19 disease?

Medical News Bulletin Drug utilized for type two diabetes – metformin – can improve COVID-19 results. Even the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak has spread throughout the planet with unprecedented rate, impacting every corner of Earth. Among the few advantages to emerge from that is that the opportunities it has provided for analysing real estate signs. The pandemic […]