
Scientists built a tiny robot to mimic the mantis shrimp’s knock-out punch

Enlarge / An interdisciplinary team of roboticists, engineers and biologists modeled the mechanics of the mantis shrimp’s punch and built a robot that mimics the movement. (credit: Second Bay Studios and Roy Caldwell/Harvard SEAS) The mantis shrimp boasts one of the most powerful, ultrafast punches in nature—it’s on par with the force generated by a. […]


The googly eyes of the mantis shrimp inspire new optical sensors

Enlarge / Scientists have developed a new type of light sensor inspired by the eyes of the mantis shrimp. (credit: Brent Durand/Getty Images) Smartphone cameras have improved dramatically since the first camera-equipped cell phone was introduced in 1999, but they are still subject to tiny errors in the alignment of different wavelengths of light in […]


Mantis shrimp SMASH! Size issues in conflicts over the Ideal house

“Nice burrow you’ve got there. I need it.” Patrick Green at the University of Exeter filmed this struggle between mantis shrimp. Size matters into the small-but-mighty mantis shrimp, that reveal a marked taste for burrows in coral rubble using amounts that closely fit their particular body dimensions or are only a little bigger –in other […]