
Linus Torvalds weighs in on Rust language in the Linux kernel

Enlarge / No, not that kind of Rust. (credit: Heritage Images via Getty Images) This week, ZDNet’s Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols asked Linus Torvalds and Greg Kroah-Hartman about the possibility of new Linux kernel code being written in Rust—a high performance but memory-safe language sponsored by the Mozilla project. C versus Rust As of now, the Linux […]


Why don’t PCs use error correcting RAM? “Because Intel,” says Linus

Enlarge / We’ve been enjoying a kinder, gentler Linus Torvalds for the past couple of years… but that doesn’t mean he stopped having opinions. (credit: aaltouniversityace / kjerish) This Monday, Linux kernel creator Linus Torvalds went on a frustrated rant about the lack of Error Correcting Checksum (ECC) RAM in consumer PCs and laptops. … the […]


Linus Torvalds doubts Linux Can Probably Get ported to Apple M1 hardware

Expand / / It’d be fantastic to see Linux operating and fully working on Apple M1 hardware such as that Mac Mini–{} appears unlikely to take place. (charge: Produnis / / Jim Salter) In a recent article on the Real World Technologies discussion –among the very few public net venues Linux creator Linus Torvalds is […]